2014年4月27日 星期日

Android virtual device(avd)使用Google APIs (Google Inc.)

MAC OS X 10.9 android virtual device(avd) with Intel Atom x86系統當機處理文章中說明如何使用Intel Atom x86為avd加速並修正OS X 10.9當機問題

但如果程式開發中要使用到Google APIs(ex: Google Cloud Messaging, Google Map還是不能跑阿QQ)那就只能實機去跑或是手動加入特定的lib(參考 How to create avd with google api for Intel x86 atom image?),不過小弟光是看到那堆步驟就昏了.....

剛好Intel在2014/3/6提出Android API 19中已經有提供Google APIs x86能用,以下就來介紹怎麼使用吧

1. 開啟Android SDK Manager然後安裝Intel x86 Atom System Image和Google APIs (x86 System Image)

2. 接著建立新的avd,Target選Google APIs x86(Google Inc.) - API Level 19

3. 啟動新建的avd,再來就可以在avd中使用Google APIs了~


1 則留言:

  1. With our detail-oriented strategy and linear manufacturing workflows, complicated initiatives are distilled into a collection of clear objectives. Describe your thought and necessities, and our group of CAD engineers and digital sculptors will create a three-dimensional design in STL, OBJ, STEP, or IGES file format. Our moldmaking services high precision machining produce correct and reusable molds for use with various casting supplies, for straightforward part duplication. We use a variety of|quite so much of|a wide range of} supplies to offer customization for your project. We worked with Chicago-based cellular technology company castAway to develop their patented two-screen cellphone circumstances. Our ongoing project with Twindom entails the prototyping and small batch manufacturing of toys and collectibles with sturdy nylon 3D printing.
