1. 建立Volley的RequestQueue: 使用者將request放到RequestQueue後Volley會自動將request以非同步方式發送出去2. 建立JsonObjectRequest, JsonArrayRequest或StringRequest: 依照target的RESTful service規格決定要用JSONObject, JSONArray或String其中之一吧~
註: 筆者採用 使用CodeIgniter架設RESTful Web Service 一文中架設的RESTful web service當做練習對象,其index.php同時提供GET, POST, PUT和DELETE的範例
3. 將第2步中產生的request放到RequestQueue中
4. 等待server的回應並進行處理
1. 建立Android application project
2. 加入volley.jar到專案中
建置volley.jar可參考Android Volley建置3. 建立RequestQueue
此處採用Singleton pattern建立Singleton class,其名稱為ApplicationController,詳細程式碼可參考"參考資料1",以下的程式碼筆者針對Singlegon做簡單的說明public class ApplicationController extends Application { /** * Log or request TAG */ public static final String TAG = "VolleyPatterns"; /** * Global request queue for Volley */ private RequestQueue mRequestQueue; /** * A singleton instance of the application class for easy access in other places * Singleton物件,簡單的說就是整個app只會有這一個ApplicationController物件,理想上不會產生第二份ApplicationController物件 */ private static ApplicationController sInstance; @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); // initialize the singleton sInstance = this; } /** * @return ApplicationController singleton instance * 要使用ApplicationController一定要先透過此method取得ApplicationController物件 */ public static synchronized ApplicationController getInstance() { return sInstance; } /** * @return The Volley Request queue, the queue will be created if it is null */ public RequestQueue getRequestQueue() { // lazy initialize the request queue, the queue instance will be // created when it is accessed for the first time if (mRequestQueue == null) { mRequestQueue = Volley.newRequestQueue(getApplicationContext()); } return mRequestQueue; } /** * Adds the specified request to the global queue, if tag is specified * then it is used else Default TAG is used. * * @param req * @param tag */ publicvoid addToRequestQueue(Request req, String tag) { // set the default tag if tag is empty req.setTag(TextUtils.isEmpty(tag) ? TAG : tag); VolleyLog.d("Adding request to queue: %s", req.getUrl()); getRequestQueue().add(req); } /** * Adds the specified request to the global queue using the Default TAG. * * @param req * @param tag */ public void addToRequestQueue(Request req) { // set the default tag if tag is empty req.setTag(TAG); getRequestQueue().add(req); } /** * Cancels all pending requests by the specified TAG, it is important * to specify a TAG so that the pending/ongoing requests can be cancelled. * * @param tag */ public void cancelPendingRequests(Object tag) { if (mRequestQueue != null) { mRequestQueue.cancelAll(tag); } } }
4. 修改AndroidManifest.xml
加入網路存取權限以及開啟app自動啟動ApplicationController<!-- 加入網路存取權限 --> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /> <!-- 加入android:name這項屬性讓ApplicationController能在開啟app後自動建立ApplicationController--> <application android:name=".ApplicationController" android:allowBackup="true" ....... />
5. 建立request
i. GETprivate void doGet(){ // Service的URL String url = ""; // 建立期望收到JsonObject的request // 若new JsonObjectRequest的第二個參數為null則代表是GET,反之若為JSONObject則為POST JsonObjectRequest request = new JsonObjectRequest(url, null, new Listener<JSONObject>() { // 若server回傳HTTP status 200或204則會進入onResponse method // 註:根據官網Issue 57527的討論,最新版應該是2xx都算request success @Override public void onResponse(JSONObject response) { Log.i(tag, response.toString()); } }, new ErrorListener() { // Request失敗處理 @Override public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) { Log.e(tag, error.getMessage()); } }); // 將request放到RequestQueue,Volley會以非同步方式送出request ApplicationController.getInstance().addToRequestQueue(request); }
ii. POST: POST的關鍵在於new JsonObjectRequest時要將POST的資料放到第二個參數中
private void doPost() throws JSONException { // Service的URL String url = ""; JSONObject param = new JSONObject(); param.put("key1", "POST_value1"); param.put("key2", "POST_value2"); // 建立期望收到JsonObject的request // 因為第二個參數不是null,所以Volley把request當做POST傳送 JsonObjectRequest request = new JsonObjectRequest(url, param, new Listener<JSONObject>() // Request成功 @Override public void onResponse(JSONObject response) { Log.i(tag, response.toString()); } }, new ErrorListener() { // Request失敗處理 @Override public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) { Log.e(tag, error.getMessage()); } }); // 將request放到RequestQueue,Volley會以非同步方式送出request ApplicationController.getInstance().addToRequestQueue(request); }
iii. PUT: PUT的關鍵點在於要new有method版本的JsonObjectRequest
private void doPut() throws JSONException { String url = ""; JSONObject param = new JSONObject(); param.put("key1", "PUT_value1"); param.put("key2", "PUT_value2"); // 這次的關鍵點在於使用Request.Method.PUT JsonObjectRequest request = new JsonObjectRequest(Request.Method.PUT, url, param, new Listener() { @Override public void onResponse(JSONObject response) { Log.i(tag, response.toString()); } }, new ErrorListener() { @Override public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) { Log.e(tag, error.getMessage()); } }); ApplicationController.getInstance().addToRequestQueue(request); }
iv. DELETE: DELETE時只需要把Method換成Request.Method.DELETE並配合service提供的URL即可
private void doDelete() throws JSONException { String url = ""; JsonObjectRequest request = new JsonObjectRequest(Request.Method.DELETE, url, null, new Listener() { @Override public void onResponse(JSONObject response) { Log.i(tag, response.toString()); } }, new ErrorListener() { @Override public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) { Log.e(tag, error.getMessage()); } }); ApplicationController.getInstance().addToRequestQueue(request); }
1. Asynchronous HTTP Requests in Android Using Volley2. Android Volley Tutorial - Making HTTP GET, POST, PUT, DELETE Requests
3. Application-element: "Android:name"